In today's mini-blog, we hear from Dave Panther and get a brief insight into a day in the life of the Video Remote Interpreting implementation team. Enjoy!

"One of the great questions of our time; and one that I often contemplate. Turns out it’s at least seven if you pack carefully and take a few bits off for the journey! IOWs are often delivered directly to the client from our supplier Armour Active. Sometimes however, we have IOWs in our Canary Wharf storage, which must be redeployed. Enter VRI Man! The thing about an assembled IOW is that it’s not an easy thing to get picked up by a courier.
They like things in easy-to-stack boxes, and an IOW is anything but! However, the VRI team are nothing if not resourceful, and are always on hand to redeploy equipment from wherever it is to wherever it needs to be – often at short notice. So, it was the case of the seven in the Astra. Five to be delivered to Birmingham and two more to Liverpool. In both cases, the delivery of course included installation and training at the two sites – another bit that couriers can’t do! More happy users and, therefore, more patients supported. Just another day, though, for VRI Man."